Basic Pistol Registration
Ready to sign up? Payment may be made via debit, credit or PayPal. Have questions? E-mail us!
Class Availability:
DUE TO HIGH DEMAND, our classes are filling quickly! We’re very excited to be conducting classes to introduce YOU to the shooting sports! If you weren’t able to get into a class, please consider a private session. Private sessions are set for 2-hour blocks of time, all on the range. Does this interest you? E-mail us for more details!
February 1 / 2 FULL
March 1 / 2 FULL
April 5 / 6 FULL
June 7 / 8 6 spots available
August 2 / 3 5 spots available
September 6 / 7 9 spots available
October 4 /5 9 spots available
Basic Pistol Course
Class fees are non-refundable, but are transferable to another class with availability. Approval must be given for transferal and cancellation notice must be provided no less than 14 days prior to original class date. If student is unable to attend range day on the appointed date, a $100 rescheduling fee may be assessed.
Want to purchase a two-hour on-the-range private session as a gift for someone? Heeerrreee you go! If you’d like to purchase a private session for three or more people, please feel free to drop us an e-mail! For private session purchases, recipient can contact us to schedule a convenient date!
Private Session Gift Certificates
Basic Pistol Course Gift Certificates
Need a gift, but not willing to brave the mall? Two words: gift certificate! A gift certificate can be used for the Basic Pistol Course or a private 1:1 session. After a gift registration has been purchased, we'll e-mail you a formal Gift Certificate and the recipient can contact us to schedule a convenient date! Gift certificate prices are $220.00.